Sunday 7 October 2012

Nicola Lopez

I have been looking at artists that work with lines as there subject matter. Nicola Lopez currently lives and works in Brooklyn and teaches. Through her work in printmaking, drawing and installation, López describes and reconfigures our contemporary—primarily urban—landscape.
She uses the gallery walls as her canvas when creating some of her pieces, she creates these overlapping and continuous lines that were inspired by steel beams, grinders and plastic cables. The lines snake up and around the walls consuming the space. As can be seen from the below image.

What really interests me about Lopez’s work is how she combines 2D and 3D. She does this by continuing the 2Dymentional lines so it looks like part of the 3Dymentional piece and it’s this combination and her use off mixed media and line that I love and I myself like experimenting with in my own work.

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