Tuesday 23 October 2012

Gabriel Dawe

Gabriel Dawe inspired by the creations of Anish Kapoor and Victor Vasarely.

His work is viewer absorbing installations made from thousands upon thousands of different threads and taken up to 140hours and 4 to 5 weeks to create.
 Although his method and installations are far different to my current installation I too have worked with threads and found it can be very time consuming and there is a lot of thinking involved as I had to work out which direction each thread was going by looking at Dawes work so did he. Other than our use of materials and installation it was the colours of the piece the bright happy, rainbow colours which attracted me first to Gabriel’s work as I too love working with this colour story, I feel the brighter the colours the more alive the piece can become, in saying that I will try and experiment using darker colours and push myself to explore different ways of working to what I am use too. I would love to experience this piece for real in a gallery it would be amazing to stand in front of all those tiny threads!!

Comparing Works

I love the way each piece takes on a different roll/direction and this is what I am working on at the moment I've made a starting point which is my installation shown below and now I plan to take it further by experimenting using different media, materials and taken it out of the class room and like Gabriel does with his installations 'creating his piece around the stairs', I am taken my work out of its current location and into contexts!!!

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