Tuesday 4 December 2012

Why Green?

After I took away my desk I covered the wall space with a long piece of fabric (calico), the reason I hand dyed the calico green was because in my pervious out door experiment were I worked with my clothes (below image), I liked how the colours looked against the grass, I thought if it was any other colour than green then the colours of the clothes might not stand out as much! Also grass links in with my theme as I started out with underground space looking at grass roots.

I created these paper circles and coloured them in with oil pastels reason being the colour comes out very strong on paper and I wanted to include a different material that I had not done before. Adding in circles instead of line to create a divide in the piece although they are connected I wanted to experiment with the fabric piece and change it around. I placed the circles big to small so it’s as if they are falling down the fabric but in a root like motion. I thought of the circles being like the source that holds all these colours together and as they move down the piece each one getting smaller, I had the idea that the colour separates and bleeds into the rope (twine) dying each piece of rope a different colour.

Then I started to experiment with the fabric so I took away most of the circles leaving one and added another smaller piece of fabric dyed a different shade of green, then using the rope I attached the fabric as if it was coming of the wall and making a u shape as if it had moved. 

After I dyed each piece of rope I placed them separately onto pieces of paper because I thought it was interesting the marks that they left. Most pages had just one rope and they all left these nice lines and splashes of colour. I cut up the large pieces of paper different scales and made a book and I am currently using them as my design work. Going back to using line as a shape instead of circles, I cut out these small rectangle pieces of the paper and placed them on the fabric in a more structured way. What I liked about this was that the paper was decorated by the ropes therefore connecting the installation in another way.

Experimenting with video...

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