Saturday 5 January 2013

The Journey....

 For my final assessment, I have yet one more space to take over and that is my wall in my studio! Unlike my last installations I cannot take over the room again as other people need the space too! So I have a wall top to bottom and a little bit of floor space! I thought of different things I could make, started experimenting again trying to add other items into the mix like cotton buds, wire, tissue, that was not working out too well! So then I focused on my previous work and thought how I can fill this space (wall) without coming up with something completely new but create something that takes up the space and also relates back.

Before I took the photographs of my studio installation (picture below) and from that then traced the images focusing on the negative space (shapes) that I had created with the ropes. I found these shapes interesting I liked the fact that when I was creating this piece of work I wasn’t thinking about the negative space but more how I can take over the room, what angle to tie the next rope to and what colour would look better tied to what rope etc etc! It was only after it was finished I realised the negative space I had created was just as exciting as the colours and lines itself. It was then I added the fabric and cut it out to the shape of those negative spaces so that others would also notice! So it was not all about taking over the room or unoccupied space with these peaceful colours but it was also my way of communicating what I saw with those around me.

Taking this all into account I started working with some 2D drawings and tracings again of this piece and then moving images around some design work and came up with some different designs but one stood out for me! Using the same materials as I had but creating them into something different.

                                Colours filling in the negative space, instead of the outline
                        Rope added as the outline only this time with the space filled in!! 
                                          Drawing of my final piece.. Wall Hanging

I hand dyed all the fabric.The top half is one piece of fabric with the shapes sewed in and they are divided by colour! The ropes will then be machine sewed onto the fabric they will be overlapping and take over the shapes which brings it back to the start of the theme The Roots. As the ropes continue then they will separate and so will the negative shapes this is showing how my work has progressed and evolved from my original idea, as the ropes get straighter the shapes become different just like they did in my rope installations. For me this is my way of visually telling the story of my journey with this project of my best work and ending it with something that I hope will communicate that! I really loved the freedom to be as creative as I wanted to be I felt like there was no limits to what I could think or try and I loved every minute of it and I hope that shows in my work! Now for the next chapter!    

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Out Door Installation in an Anbandoned Space

I was really happy how this piece turned out! I was worried about the fabric and if I could get it to hang like I did in my studio but it all seemed to come together!! The colours look great against the graffiti and the trees etc, It was a dull winters day which I felt added to the overall feel of the piece and the photos, it helped the colours stand out even more!

I like how the geometric lines fill the space like they did in my indoor installation, It was good to be able to photogaph the lines looking down at them as apose to my indoor installation were I had to look up!

Abandoned Space........

So as I have been looking for the 'perfect' place to display my ropes as they were in my studio I have finally found somewhere, It is an abandoned petrol station although there is a gate surrounding it blocking people entering I found a way in and on that enterance there are trees so I can attach the rope to them! What I really like about it is that on the side of the station is graffiti and I was thinking it would look class against the bright colours of my piece! I have recorded the petrol station (video) and a before image of were I plan on setting up my piece!

 I plan to attach the ropes to the trees and broken fence, first I will attach each one to create a rectangular shape then work into it from there, I also plan the hang the fabric at the front of the exit so that when I am photographing it I will capture the graffiti in the background which will give an urban feel to the piece and also because the graffiti is black and blue the colours in my piece will stand out even more!